Whether you’re distributing them at your retail location or handing them out at a public event, kraft postcards are an easy and cost-effective way to get your name and brand in front of new potential customers. 

Brown kraft paper is a popular choice for business owners who want to express their earth-friendly commitments. By choosing brown kraft paper, you’re proving that you care about sustainability and reducing your impact on both your environment and resources.

The biggest benefit of using brown kraft paper is that it gives your postcards an extra element of fun without looking too formal or overbearing. Kraft paper postcards are a charming way to reach out to your clients and customers. The paper is thick and durable, yet still has a soft texture that makes it feel warm and homemade.

Brown kraft paper is best for small businesses, as it looks more professional than kraft colored. Unlike regular postcards, these can be used to send handwritten notes and personalize your message.

They’re 18pt thick and heavy enough to look high-quality but still cheap enough that you can easily afford to hand them out in high volume to a tradeshow.

If you’re looking to make a first good impression, consider mailing out kraft postcards.

1- What material is Brown Kraft made of and is it recycled?

Brown Kraft paper is light brown with natural fibers and subtle visible flecks lending it a natural, organic look and feel. The uncoated smooth finish provides excellent print quality, while the colored stock adds warmth and a rustic appeal to images.

Optional white ink can be applied in specific areas or all over giving you the flexibility to add contrast and brighten images. Brown Kraft is 100% recycled with a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste content.

Please be aware that recycled and colored stocks may have slight color variations due to the materials used to manufacture the paper. The flecks in the paper will also vary from sheet to sheet and press run to press run.

kraft paper

2 -  How do I set-up artwork for Brown Kraft cards with white ink?

Brown Kraft has the option to add white ink as an overprint. The white will be a base for the CMYK providing a bright white surface that will allow for vibrant, crisp color. Areas without white ink will appear darker due to the color of the stock.

Similar to Spot UV masks, White Mask files are separate from your artwork files. Black in the White Mask file indicates where white ink will be printed.

Make sure to create your mask file the same size as your artwork file. This will prevent alignment issues during printing.

Note: White Masks must be made in vector format and be saved as EPS or PDF. Please be aware that anything less than 100%K will be transparent and allow the brown stock to show through.

Use vector paths/shapes to create black color areas that will indicate where the white ink base will go. The rest of the areas will show the Brown Kraft stock.

Remember the following when creating a white mask for your white ink base:

  • White ink base will be printed behind any color that’s in your Artwork Layer.
  • Areas with color but without a White Mask will be printed with color directly on the material.
  • Areas with color and a White Mask will be printed as opaque or solid color.
  • Areas with a White Mask and no color will be printed as white.

kraft cardstock

kraft paper printing

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